The first of a three-part webinar series on building effective partnerships between Development, Accounting and Asset Management teams.
In this session seasoned professionals will discuss the benefits of close working relationships between heads of Development and CFOs and their teams. Discussions will include:
+ Partnering in risk management strategies
+ Balancing capital sources
+ Understanding the impact of complex transactions on deals and the corporation
+ Creating transparency
The follow-on session will cover processes, practices and tools for ensuring good communication and the third session will cover projections and reserve analysis including what to look for.
+ Jan Lindenthal, Chief Real Estate Development Officer, MidPen Housing
+ Caroline Horton, Chief Financial Officer, Aeon
+ Gayle Lacroix, Chief Financial Officer, Roxbury Tenants of Harvard
The second webinar in the series focuses on tools, practices and procedures to operationalize a strong partnership between development and finance staff. The third session covers projections and reserve analysis including what to look for.
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