7-31-19 Records Management and Retention Policies Webinar

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This webinar provides practical-guidance on why data retention policies matter, how to get started and best practices for records management. The webinar is primarily a discussion between CFOs Marcy Finamore of Jamboree Housing and Julie Goldfine of Mutual Housing and attorneys Pam Kaufmann and Brad Hise of Hanson Bridgett .

Included in the discussion are the following topics: 

  • Special challenges of email retention decisions
  • Legal holds
  • Electronic records vs. paper records
  • Document destruction
  • Setting and following a policy on a small budget
Download the national Implementation Guide or the California-specific Implementation Guide for the a starting point on data retention and management policies. 
Please note this webinar has very limited slides. This webinar is best reviewed by watching/listening to the recorded conversation between our presenters. 

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Author: Chelsea Maupin

Güd Marketing - Strength Matters Communications

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