Building Your Risk Management Toolkit (12/15/16)

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This webinar titled Building Your Risk Management Toolkit discusses new ways organizations can foster deeper engagement with risk management that go beyond financial risk. Learn more about succession planning, personnel retention, disaster recovery and managing public relations to reduce reputational risk.

Presented by Preservation of Affordable Housing (POAH) Managing Director and CFO Laura Vennard along with POAH Vice President and Chief of Staff Andrew Spofford. POAH is a large-scale national nonprofit rental housing provider whose mission is to preserve, create and sustain affordable, healthy homes that support economic security and access to opportunity for all.


Learning Objectives:

  • Discuss strategies for succession planning, personnel retention, disaster recovery and managing public relations to reduce reputational risk.
  • Explain ways the affordable housing sector can “monetize” financial risk. 
  • Describe POAH’s metric-based risk management tracking system, and identify how the POAH model may benefit other nonprofit real estate developers.

Level: Intermediate.  Prerequisite: Senior-level management experience in nonprofit real estate development.

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Author: Chelsea Maupin

Güd Marketing - Strength Matters Communications

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