Ensuring that Minority Business Enterprise (MBE) contractors can play a meaningful role in real estate development is essential to promoting economic empowerment. It is also critical to create more equitable workplaces at majority-owned and led companies. We will review a recent survey of what HPN members are doing to increase MBE contractor participation, hear about how Atlanta Neighborhood Development Partnership is partnering with MBE contractors on homebuilding, and learn about the approaches of The Community Builders to expand MBE contracting and racial equity within vendor workplaces. A facilitated discussion will follow.
- Jay Perlmutter, Atlanta Neighborhood Development Partnership
- Juan Powell, The Community Builders
- Lisa Alberghini, Housing Partnership Network (Moderator)
Learning Objectives: Describe strategies that organizations around the country are using to increase MBE contractor participation in real estate development projects. Identify ideas that could be implemented in different jurisdictions. Recognize the importance of diversity relative to the firms with whom we do business and to encourage those firms to advance DEI in their own organizations.
Field of Study: Business Management & Organization
Level: Intermediate