2024 VOA Virtual Bootcamp – Course Materials


Thank you for enrolling in Strength Matters' 2024 Volunteers of America Virtual Boot Camp course. In this 11-week course we'll cover the accounting and financial reporting issues faced by a nonprofit housing enterprise throughout the lifecycle of an affordable housing deal.

The course is held weekly on Monday, except Feb. 5 and Feb. 19. Links to each week's slides and handouts are below. A link to the module recording will also be posted once available. 

Questions about CPEs? Email Lindsay at [email protected].
General questions? Email Chelsea at [email protected]

Course Materials: 
+ Course description and CPE summary
+ Course participant list with contact info 
+ Instructor bio

+ Introduction to affordable housing (PDF)
+ Modules slides (ZIP file) REVISED 1-28-24
+ All course handouts (ZIP file) 
+ NEW: Updated Handout #8 Financial Projections (2-27-24)

Jan. 22 | Module 1: Identify the Deal, Grants & Contributions, Predevelopment Best Practices
1PM-3PM ET | 10AM-Noon PT

Module Recording 

Jan. 29 | Module 2: Entity Formation and Deal Structure 
1PM-2:30PM ET | 10AM-11:30AM PT 

Module Recording

Feb. 12 | Module 3: Deal Structure, Deal Cycle & Participants, Qualified Allocation Plans, LIHTC Calculations and the State Determination Letters
1PM-2:30PM ET | 10AM-11:30AM PT

Module Recording

Feb. 26 | Module 4: Financial Projections, Investor Letters of Intent 
1PM-3PM ET | 10AM-Noon PT 

Module Recording

March 4 | Module 5: New Construction, Rehab & Funders Requisition
1PM-3PM ET | 10AM-Noon PT 

Module Recording

March 11 | Module 6: Cost Certifications & IRS Forms 8609
1PM-3PM ET | 10AM-Noon PT 

Module Recording

March 18 | Module 7: Transition to Operations, Key Operating Documents
1PM-2:30PM ET | 10AM-11:30AM PT 

Module Recording


March 25 | Module 8: Operations Issues 
1PM-2:30PM ET | 10AM-11:30AM PT 

Module Recording


April 1 | Module 9: Financial Statement Presentation & Intro to Surplus Cash 
1PM-2:30PM ET | 10AM-11:30AM PT 

Module Recording

April 8 | Module 10: Surplus Cash Case Studies
1PM-3PM ET | 10AM-Noon PT

Module Recording

April 15 | Module 11: Consolidation and Year 15 Issues 
1PM-3PM ET | 10AM-Noon PT 

Module Recording

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